Brighton & Hove City Council

Active and Inclusive Travel Forum

Terms of Reference


Brighton & Hove City Council is committed to developing an active and sustainable travel network, increasing healthy life expectancy, and building a stronger city by improving access to all parts of the city and the Council’s services for people of all abilities and needs.


‘Active travel’ is transport that involves physical activity, such as walking and cycling, to get from one place to another. It is often a more affordable, healthier and low carbon way to travel which helps to improve wellbeing, reduce congestion and improve air quality.


‘Inclusive travel’ is about making sure experiences and places can be enjoyed by the widest number of people and that they have equal access to the destination of their choice. This enables people of all abilities and ages to travel more confidently and independently, as well as benefitting the economy and society as a whole.


1.    Purpose of the Forum

1.1  The purpose of the Active Travel Forum is to provide a positive, proactive arena for the exchange of information and views on schemes and initiatives that support more active and inclusive forms of transport. This includes identifying issues and user experiences which can inform the development of future schemes and practical solutions to problems.


1.2  In addition, the Forum aims to strengthen links between key stakeholders, providing an opportunity to develop initiatives in partnership that encourage people of all ages and abilities to travel more actively across the city and influence behaviour change.


2.    Status of the Forum

2.1  The Forum has no formal status as a decision-making body and no direct reporting lines to the City Council or its Committees.


2.2  The Forum acts as a ‘sounding-board’, receiving information for discussion and issuing feedback and advice.


3.    Areas of focus

3.1 The focus of the Forum will be on:

·         Considering issues of principle and good practice in transport design to achieve and uphold national guidance and standards within Brighton & Hove transport schemes and align with the city’s target to be carbon neutral by 2030.

·         Highlighting areas of local need and/or where user experiences indicate there is a transport issue that needs addressing.

·         Offering views on effective ways to influence travel behaviour and supporting initiatives to encourage walking and cycling.

·         Encouraging partnership work and knowledge and information sharing on active travel across the city.


4.    Roles and responsibilities

4.1  Members of the Forum commit to having a constructive and inclusive approach to all areas of focus. Wherever possible a consensus view on topics shall be sought and where this is not possible, the nature of the differing views will be made clear.


4.2  In addressing the Forum’s areas of focus, members will respect the local circumstances and different interests of one another and have regard for varying needs and demands across the city.


4.3  In particular, the Forum shall give due consideration to key policy documents, such as the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (in development) and the most recent Local Transport Plan, as well as the requirements of national guidance and statute, including the Equality Act 2010.


4.4  Members of the Forum must respect the confidentiality of information shared in meetings. Where confidential information is shared, this will be clearly stated. 


4.5  Members are asked to promote the interests of the Active and Inclusive Travel Forum at all times.


5.    Meetings

5.1  The Active Travel Forum will meet quarterly.


5.2  Agendas will be set by the Chairperson, in consultation with Forum members, and circulated 1 week in advance of the meeting. Action notes will be distributed afterwards.


5.3  Meetings will not be held in public, although meeting action notes will published on the Council’s website.


5.4  If a more detailed discussion on a particular area or issue is required, focused informal sub-groups may be arranged outside of these meetings, in consultation with relevant members and agreed with the Chairperson.


5.5  Administration of the Forum is facilitated by City Council officers.


6.    Membership


6.1  The Forum is chaired by a Brighton & Hove City Councillor from the Administration, as selected and agreed by the Council’s Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee.



6.2  A Vice-Chairperson will be another member of the Forum, as selected by the Forum collectively.



6.3  The Forum will include a representative from each of the City Council’s political groups.


6.4  City Council officers from the following Directorates are invited to attend:

·         Economy, Environment and Culture (including Planning)

·         Health and Adult Social Care

·         Families, Children and Learning


6.5  External stakeholder organisations representing the following interests are invited be involved in the Forum:

·         Cycling,

·         Walking,

·         Urban design,

·         Environmental protection / sustainability,

·         Disability representation,

·         Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic representation,

·         LGBTQ+ representation,

·         Young people,

·         Older people,

·         Local Action Teams,

·         Voluntary and community sector coordination,

·         Transport operation and promotion,

·         Major trip-generators,

·         Health and education sectors.


6.6  A balanced membership of the Forum will be sought to avoid dominance by any single interest group or coalition of like interests. As such, a single representative for each of the above interests will be sought wherever possible.


6.7  Representatives from other Council directorates, organisations and individuals may be invited to attend and/or present at the discretion of the Chairperson.


6.8  Chairing and membership of the Forum will be reviewed as required.